Fun Way To Code The Future!

Maximize Children’s Potential With
A Fun-Based IT Education

about timedoor

Our Vision

We Create bright future for next generation with IT Education

Timedoor Academy(PT. Cerdas Digital Indonesia) was established with the aim to prepare the next generation with excellent IT skills. We want to help our generation shifting their interest from users of digital technology to the next great inventors. 

We are aiming to help our students to become the next influential technology innovators, supported by digital literacy education, our students will spread the positive influence continuously to their society and surrounding. In other words, our goal is not limited to only creating leaders in technology, but also in creating a better society for our future generation.

Our Mission

We change users to creators

young generation

Train programming to young generation through fun education


To shift the digital addiction to productive addiction.

logical thinking

To prepare the young generation with logical thinking, problem solving, and creativity.

behave digital life

To navigate the young generation to behave well in digital life.


To improve the awareness of the importance of IT education.

kids academy
activity academy
activity academy kids
academy kids


CSR Coding For Social Good

To contribute positive influence to our society, we teach programming for free to more than 1000 students with underprivileged backgrounds with the help of hundreds of awesome volunteers. This activity will continuously be held annually with the hope to spread coding awareness to all children with no special condition needed.

About Us
About Us
About Us
About Us

Coding Competition

We annually hold an International Coding Competition for students to hone their programming skill and compete with the greatest students all over the world. More than 1000 students joined the competition and tons of attractive prizes are provided to the winners.

Massive Action Volunteer Coding Workshop

Maximize children’s potential with fun-based IT education

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Our Company Background

Starting our journey as a software house company, we are 10 years experienced IT company in handling numerous big projects from website, mobile apps, software and company internal systems development to comic colouring. Trusted by thousands of clients from Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia, we are aiming to satisfy our clients with the help of our greatest committed programmers. We understand how programming skills could shift our world drastically and we are honed to aim for a better generation by starting our journey to broaden our vision in teaching programming to our young generation and that was how Timedoor Academy(PT. Cerdas Digital Indonesia) was established.

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timedoor team

Meet The Team

Yutaka Tokunaga

Co-Founder & Timedoor CEO

Mr.Tokunaga  moved from Japan to Indonesia in 2014 and started this IT company. At that time, the speed of the Internet was slow and there were not many website and mobile app services, but over the last five years, the digitalization of Indonesia has progressed rapidly. Shopping has become e-commerce, eating has become online delivery, and education and medical care are also becoming digital. We, PT. Timedoor Indonesia, aims to become Indonesia’s leading IT company that supports the digitalization of society through design, system development, and IT education.

Setyo Purwaningsih, M.Sc.


Miss Tyo has more than 5 years experience in teaching before she went to the Netherlands for a cultural exchange programme. In The Netherlands, she observed Steve Jobs Schools in which each student was prepared with 21st century skills such as critical thinking and collaboration through digital education. Triggered by her findings, she then continued to study for Learning, Technology and Society at the University of Bristol, the UK. With her passion for education, teaching experiences, and expertise on learning technology, she is ready to present the best digital learning practices to Indonesia.

timedoor team
timedoor team

Ferdy Arhami


From the very young age, Mr. Ferdy has had a great passion for education. His passion in education is proven by how he likes to spread his knowledge by teaching kids from 3 to 16 years old. Experienced in robotics and programming, he has been specialised at those fields with LEGO as the media. He’s now becoming the head of technology and a passionate programmer at Timedoor Indonesia. Continuing to strive for the best quality of education through the lens of a programmer is one the great mission that he always wants to aim for.

"Don't just buy a new video game, Make one"
Barack Obama - 44th U.S. President

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