Jul 10, 2023

Timedoor Academy Competition and Exhibition 2023 Update!

Timedoor Academy Competition and Exhibition 2023 Update! image

Congrats For All the Winners!

Timedoor Academy Coding Competition and Exhibition 2023 is an event that aims to provide a platform for all Timedoor Academy students to show projects that have been made, ranging from games, and websites to applications. The preliminary round was attended by 100++ participants from all over Indonesia. From this number of participants, an elimination stage will then be carried out until 30 Selected Participants are selected to take part in the Exhibition Round which will be held directly at Trans Studio Mall Bali on Sunday, June 25 2023.

The 30 best participants from each category took part in the Exhibition Round at Trans Studio Mall Bali and this exhibition was attended by approximately 500 ++ visitors who were interested in seeing the participant’s projects. Visitors also had the opportunity to give star labels to the participants who would later be awarded as Most Favorite Project By Visitor. Here is the following list of winners at the 2023 Timedoor Academy Competition and Exhibition divided by category:

Hugo Alexander Kusuma Game in Kodu Bali
I Gede Kelvin Narendra Van Veggel Mario Cycle Bali
Gandewa Arjuna Gelar Fallen Region Tangerang
Ni Putu Bella Septiandita Rustama Robot With Their Future Bali
Edgar Davey Tanibulie Website Doraemon Makassar

Congratulations to all the winners in each category. Thank you to all participants who have participated in Timedoor Competition & Exhibition 2023 this time. Hopefully, this will be a good start for all of us to introduce learning coding to children.

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Timedoor Academy Youth Coding Competition in Syria!
Timedoor Academy Youth Coding Competition in Syria!
Syria's youth coding competition is a way to showcase young tech enthusiasts' coding abilities at the Timedoor Academy Coding Competition in Syria! On August 3, 2024, Timedoor Academy held its big Coding Competition in Syria. Lots of young coders were looking forward to it. It was a day full of creative ideas and clever computer work. The event showed off the smart project of 150+ students who had taken face-to-face classes in Syria.   Overview of The Event The coding competition contest had two fun parts where coders were required to make a new project, from scratch, all by themselves in each part. At first, the 150+ eager young coders did their very best in the initial round. When the competition got more intense, the competition narrowed down to the best 33 in each category. These top participants won a chance to show their further skills in the final round at the Cultural Center in Latakia. Making things even more exciting, the finals were extra special because 50+ proud parents were there to watch their kids show off their amazing coding skills in the finals. This proved that the young Syrian coders have what it takes to succeed in technology. This remarkable display of skill and creativity from Syria’s young coders demonstrates promising talent emerging in technological aspects.     Highlights of  The Coding Competition in Syria! At Timedoor Academy, we believe in nurturing the tech leaders of tomorrow. This competition was more than just an event but it was a celebration of young talent and bright future of technology in Syria. Well done, and congrats to all winners in every group! Your dedication, effort, and coding know-how have shows what's possible. Thank you to every participant and parents who joined us on this amazing coding competition journey your hard work and creative thinking have made this event truly special. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and opportunities to shine at Timedoor Academy! Explore our cutting-edge courses and upcoming tech events by visiting our website. Don’t miss out – click here and start your digital adventure today!
Timedoor Academy Win Coding Competition in Southeast Asia!
Timedoor Academy Win Coding Competition in Southeast Asia!
Timedoor Academy Shines at the Biggest Kids Coding Competition in Southeast Asia! We are thrilled to share the outstanding achievements of our students at the largest kids coding competition in Southeast Asia, Tech Kids Grand Prix ASEAN 2024, organized by a prominent Japanese company. This prestigious event brought together young coding enthusiasts from various countries, providing them with an incredible platform to showcase their creativity, skill, and determination. An Unforgettable Event This competition provided a platform for kids to showcase their unique coding projects, ranging from mobile apps to games, and even multimedia presentations. More than just a competition, it was an opportunity for students to explore their passions, push their boundaries, and connect with like-minded peers. Timedoor Academy is thrilled to announce that three of our students stood out in the competition, earning impressive awards for their innovative work. Timedoor Academy also had several other students who earned Top 30 recognition, which further demonstrates the exceptional talent and dedication within our community. Nadzkara Fakhri Madenda (Fay) Fay menciptakan sebuah game interaktif kekayaan budaya Indonesia. Proyek ini memperkenalkan berbagai aspek budaya, seperti makanan tradisional, alat musik, pakaian, dan permainan rakyat daerah Indonesia. Fay meraih Presentation Award berkat kemampuannya dalam mempresentasikan proyek ini secara menarik dan detail di depan para juri. Mohammad Fardeen Fardeen dari Bangladesh, menciptakan sebuah aplikasi tabungan yang ditujukan untuk anak-anak. Fardeen terinspirasi dan merancang platform yang membantu anak-anak memahami pentingnya menabung dan literasi keuangan. Berkat visinya yang inovatif dan relevan, Fardeen berhasil meraih Product Award. Top 30 Achievers In addition to our winners, we also want to acknowledge the Top 30 students who represented Timedoor Academy with excellence. These students achieved impressive rankings that reflect their hard work and commitment: I Nyoman Aditya Basudeva Mahaputra (Gatsu Branch) Gede Agasthya Putra Darmawan (Gatsu Branch) Theodorus Giovanni D (Gayungan Branch) Jabir Sharwar (Online Bangladesh) Mahrus Rahman Ayan (Online Bangladesh) We are incredibly proud of all these students for their exceptional achievements and their contributions to the competition. A Truly Memorable Experience For our winners, this competition was more than just about winning—it was about growth, learning, and gaining invaluable experience. Both Fay and Fardeen expressed how meaningful the competition was to them, highlighting how much they learned throughout the process and how grateful they were for the guidance and support from Timedoor Academy and their dedicated teachers. Fay and Fardeen described the experience as “awesome” and said it was a journey they would always cherish. Support from Timedoor Academy To cheer on our students, Yutaka Tokunaga (CEO), Ayu Krisnasari (Curriculum Manager), and Bernadet Andini (Curriculum and Teacher Leader) flew to Singapore to provide their support during the event. Their presence was a testament to Timedoor Academy’s commitment to empowering students and supporting their growth at every stage of their learning journey. We are incredibly proud of all the students who participated in this prestigious event. Their success is a reflection of their creativity, perseverance, and the dedication of the teachers and mentors who supported them. This competition has shown that Timedoor Academy students are truly capable of achieving greatness. Looking Ahead As we celebrate these incredible achievements, we are also looking forward to future opportunities for our students to shine. Timedoor Academy will continue to support and nurture young talent, helping them develop the skills they need to succeed in the digital world. We are excited to see what our students will accomplish next! Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from Timedoor Academy as we continue to empower the next generation of innovators! We provide opportunities for children to explore their potential in the programming world through our free trial sessions. For more information, please visit the link here.
Winners’ Announcement of Bootcamp December 2024
Winners’ Announcement of Bootcamp December 2024
Timedoor Academy BootCamp 2024 was held from December 9 to 27, 2024, with over 200 participants from both Online and Offline classes across Indonesia. This year, we also launched two exciting new programs: Kids Machine Learning and Entrepreneurship, which generated even more excitement among our students. Timedoor Academy offers a dynamic 5-day BootCamp, featuring various programs that allow students to choose based on their interests. The Coding Camp includes a wide range of courses such as Game Development, Website Development, Python Development, Roblox Development, Artificial Intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT). Meanwhile, our Design Camp focuses on nurturing students’ creativity through programs like Animation Creation, Branding Design, UI/UX Design, and Comic Making. At Timedoor Academy, we aim to help students become skilled programmers, designers, and comic artists in just 5 days by challenging them to create top-tier projects using cutting-edge platforms. This experience equips them to become digital experts ready to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow! Today, we’re excited to announce the top award recipients from each program category. The award winners are recognized for their Best Project and Best Participant achievements. Check out the list of winners below! JUNIOR ANIMATOR CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Malik Akbar Pahlevi Cimanggu, Bogor Best Participant Made Indah Widyasari Renon JUNIOR 3D GAME CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Ibra Maimun Medan Best Participant Azfar Milo Respati Gatsu JUNIOR CONSTRUCT CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Randall Elmer Keeley Sanjaya Citraland Best Participant Brigita Clarisa Kanaya Bandaso Cikarang KIDS CONSTRUCT BEGINNER + WEBSITE CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Muhammad Iqbal Rachman Jambi Best Participant M.Abizar Maimun Medan KIDS MACHINE LEARNING CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Nabila Syahquita Pontianak Best Participant I Gede Agasthya Putra Darmawan Gatsu KIDS ANDROID APP DEVELOPER CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Raisa Raya Sabriya Jambi Best Participant Fatih Rizqi Mubarok Jambi KIDS ROBLOX CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Tyo Putra Daud Gorontalo Best Participant Natanael Halim Cikarang KIDS PYTHON CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Reinhart Amadeus Christianto Online ID Best Participant Olivia Kisya Mahendra Jimbaran KIDS AI DEVELOPER CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Jason Andrew Cikarang Best Participant Gabriel Prathama Wijaya Online ID TEENS PHASER CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Naufal Arfan Online ID Best Participant Muhammad Rizki Mahendra Online ID TEENS WEB DEVELOPER CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Arkaan Fatih Safaraz Pekanbaru Best Participant Faeyza Nur Huda Online ID TEENS ROBLOX CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Affa Danendra Sarwoko Pontianak Best Participant Muhammad Vedro Alfadillah Pontianak TEENS PYTHON CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Gregory Gaven Greenlake Best Participant Komang Gede Bayu Sefti Wiguna Renon TEENS APP DEV CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project I Gusti Ayu Ari Cahya Widiadnyani Gatsu Best Participant Valkyrie Chan Online ID TEENS AI DEV CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Filigon Bryliant El Fikri Sirait Kelapa Gading Best Participant Aghniya Kelapa Gading  COMIC KIDS CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Razita Maryam Hernanda Online ID Best Participant Christopher Martin Susanto Online ID  COMIC TEENS CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Joanne Gracia Susanto Online ID Best Participant Ulinnuha Inma Ghozali Online ID  DESIGN BRANDING CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Kanaka Mahabarata Online ID Best Participant Anja Ruci Berlian Online ID  DESIGN ANIMATION CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Manuel Angelo Siburian Online ID Best Participant Justin Clarence Luckijaya Gatsu  DESIGN UI/UX WEB CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Jovan Wang Online ID Best Participant Jonathan Wang Online ID IOT KIDS & TEENS CATEGORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME BRANCH Best Project Kevin Hansel Wibowo Citraland Best Participant Kadek Nirwasita Danaswara Gatsu
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