Welcome to Timedoor Academy Citraland! – Learn How to Program and Coding
Timedoor Academy Citraland presents itself as the best solution to introduce the world of coding to children and teenagers in West Surabaya. Our academy provides a programming and coding school in Citraland that teaches kids, beginners, and those with no coding experience.
Strategically located in Citraland, we offer coding course programs that cover programming languages such as Python, Javascript, and Roblox. With flexible learning methods designed to remain fun, Timedoor Academy Citraland is ready to help children aged 5-18 years develop digital skills that will be important assets for the future. Let’s Code the Future!
What Do We Provide?
Timedoor Academy Citraland presents coding courses designed with a mixed curriculum from Japan and England, providing a comprehensive and structured learning approach. This program is specially designed for students from childhood to adulthood, as an ideal first step to prepare them before continuing their studies in IT at the university level. With a focus on strong foundations, Timedoor Academy Citraland helps students build the skills needed to succeed in the future world of technology.
Timedoor Academy Citraland provides a comprehensive coding learning experience, starting with basic computer literacy learning as a strong foundation. Students will be introduced to coding concepts through AR/VR technology, and gradually learn various programming languages such as Python, Javascript, and Roblox. In addition, our curriculum also includes learning website creation, robotic programming, IoT Arduino, visual programming, and artificial intelligence (AI). With this approach, Timedoor Academy prepares students to face the challenges of the ever-evolving digital world.